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Cometh the Storm

It was already drawing into darkness as I made my way home from another week in University. I had always loved the dark November evenings, even as a child, being cosy and warm by the open fire at home, as the winter weather beat heavily on the windows outside. Now, even as a twenty one year old, it still held the same magic it always had.

I had been brought up on our rural farm in the North of England, some miles from civilisation. Hell, our nearest neighbours were over two miles away The farmhouse itself was some ninety years old but it had been renovated, redecorated and modernised before I had been born. I had always loved home as it had been a massive playground for me as a child.

As an only child, my father and mother had separated, then divorced only three years previously, much to my dismay. I was still angry at my father for his betrayal towards my mother and even now, I found it hard to spend time with him and his new wife in his home in Leeds. I had always been close to my mother and we had become even closer since my father had left. Mum hadn’t, to my knowledge, even considered another relationship since and was quite happy throwing herself into her work and running the farmhouse.

My uncle now tended to the daily tasks on the farm, while my mother worked part-time in the local village bank as a mortgage advisor. I spent my week at Uni studying and then returned home on the weekends, like most of my Uni friends.

My mother was in her early forties now but still in my eyes and many others, a beautiful woman. Her hair was a dark chestnut brown colour and shoulder length, framing her ever green smiling eyes and face. She was of fairly average build and about 5’6 in height, and no matter how much I would try to deny myself, a very sexy older woman with it. Even my friends agreed she was a good looking woman, much to my embarrassment I must add. Mum had maybe gained a pound or two here and there, but it only made her all the more curvaceous.

Making my way down the lane to my home that evening, I met my Uncle Joe halfway. Stopping his land-rover beside me, he wound down the creaky window.

“Another week of partying and shagging done then, young J?” he smiled at me.

“I wish” I replied, a smirk on my face.

“Looks like we’re in for a big storm this weekend… I can feel it in the air” Joe said, cryptically. He could always sense these things, like any good farmer could.

“Ah, as long as I’m home in the warmth and comfort” I replied.

“Well, I must be getting on J. Your mother’s not long home, nice big homemade dinner waiting for you” he said, as he started to roll up the window from the cold breeze outside.

“Thanks Joe. Have a good weekend and don’t drink too much” I said as I heaved my bag over my shoulder.

“See you on Sunday for dinner” Joe bellowed heartily from the land-rover, as he started to make his way up the lane.

I had always been known as J for some reason, rather than my proper full name of James. I didn’t mind, as I thought J sounded much cooler than plain old James any day of the week

I soon approached the farmhouse, the rain slowly starting to fall on my head, as I welcomed the sight of my home. Upon entering, my mother was waiting for me with the usual hug and the smell of food wafting around the kitchen. As gorgeous as ever, Mum wore a full-length, green velvet skirt that clung to her hips. Her rear swayed in rhythm with her movements, as I noticed her white camisole top, underneath her lacy silk blouse. I drifted into a daydream, as I watched her prepare dinner.

* * *

It had only been in the past few years that I had fantasised sexually about her. I had my share of various girlfriends, losing my virginity at 16, but I wasn’t ready for a long term relationship just yet. I was enjoying my freedom too much and the opportunity of so many girls at Uni to choose from, I made a point of not getting too serious with anyone.

In the last year or two, I had noticed little things about Mum, especially since I had enrolled at Uni. The way she would bend over in front of me, innocently doing something in the house. Or her blouse falling open slightly, showing some boob flesh at times, as I stared back at. On quite a few occasions, I had walked to the bathroom at home, finding Mum sat on the toilet, forgetting to close the door, as she was now used to being in the house alone through the week. I usually mumbled an apology and turning red with embarrassment, would walk away trying to keep the image of her in full flow out of my mind.

A lot of the time it would lead to my jerking off shortly after, at the thought of her sitting there half-naked and peeing. It felt wrong to imagine her in this way but it was all the more arousing for me to think of her in this filthy manner. I often questioned myself, racked with guilt over my ideas of her, but I became more drawn to her over time, still curious about her.

Even in the summer past, I had watched her tending the flower beds from the kitchen window. At one stage, she had been kneeling down on all fours facing me, her boobs bouncing around, as her top swung low in motion with her breasts. As she continued her weeding, I found my dick growing with excitement at the sight before me of Mums exposed cleavage hanging below her.

Slowly working around the flower bed, she eventually had her back to me and by now I had pulled my dick from my pants. As her hips swayed gently, I imagined myself crawling to her on the grass, taking her shorts and panties down, and slowly entering her from behind, her ample tits pressing into the soil as I fucked her deeply. I imagined the sun beating down on us, as we built up a sweat of lust…

I stroked my cock back and forth, Mum totally unaware of my actions in the kitchen behind her. As she innocently continued her work, I tossed myself off only six or seven feet away, eventually spurting cum through my fingers and onto the floor. I was still a bit concerned about my growing “feelings” towards Mum but I reckoned it was just a spell I was going through. It was all innocent I told myself, as I never intended to follow through with any of my sexual fantasies with her. Besides, it was well known by some sub-Freudian concept, or other, that young males often think of their mothers sexually and I guess I was no exception to the rule. Just a phase, I told myself.

* * *

Not even bothering to unpack, my mother and I sat down to dinner, discussing all the events of the past week and whatever gossip had been happening in the village. I loved her deeply and I had become the man of the household over the last few years, since my father had left. Since starting University, we both spent most weekends together at home, just glad to be in each others company. She too had been brought up here in our family home, moving away as a young woman, only to return newly married with my father, after my grandparents had passed away.

Just after dinner that evening, my mate Brian phoned asking me to come down to the village pub for a few beers. Eager to catch up with my local pals, I had a quick shower and shave, before ordering a taxi to pick me up. I didn’t like leaving Mum all alone as the weekend was our only time together, but she would insist that I go and to stop worrying. Mum said she felt a little tired anyway, and that she planned on having an early night, so with that I headed off in the arriving taxi and into the village.

A couple of beers and scotch whiskies later on in the bar, the night had been good, and the banter even better, but I was tired and decided to call it a night. Jumping into one of the local taxis, I headed homeward, a little the worse for wear.

As we drove up to the house and into the yard, the windy, wet evening from earlier had subsided. I quietly made my way into the house, the grandfather clock striking for 11.30, as I made my way up-stairs to the comfort of my bed.

Walking to my room down the hall, my ears pricked up at a slight noise I heard. A very faint sound was coming from somewhere. Stopping in my tracks, I listened intently for the source. It was coming from Mums room.

I tiptoed towards her door, curious to know where the noise was coming from at this time of night. Surely it was too late at night for any shaving or trimming of her pussy? I laughed inwardly, at my own drunken naughty thoughts. Pressing my ear to her door, I could make out a low humming coming from inside the room. Suddenly it dawned on me. Was Mum using a vibrator on herself? God, what else could it be at this hour of the night? I quickly assured myself there was definitely a light buzzing sound going on, pausing for a brief second or two and then resuming again. My suspicions were even more confirmed as I clearly heard a slight moan or two as the bed creaked slightly with movement. My dick instantly sprung to life in my underwear.

Surprised and also a little curious, I made my way to my room. I suppose she had her own sexual needs like everybody else, but a vibrator? True, she hadn’t been with another man in the four years since my father left, as far as I was aware, but the sheer thought of her using a vibrator blew my mind Denying the image to myself, I quickly walked away, shutting the idea out of my head. Once in the safety of my own room I undressed, got into bed and eventually dozed off, curious at my thoughts of her playing with herself only a mere room away, no matter how much I wanted to deny it.

The very next morning, I awoke around 10am, wearily dragging myself out of bed and into the bathroom. After peeing and washing my face and teeth, I made my way downstairs for breakfast. Mum was already up and about doing a few household chores. I felt slightly embarrassed about what I had heard the night before, as I approached her at the kitchen table.

“Morning Jay, sleep well honey?” Mum said, as I filled a bowl of cereal.

“Morning Mum, yeah, not too bad” I replied, still half asleep.

“I slept really well last night, after the wind and rain died down a bit. You know how much I hate stormy weather, I can never sleep properly” Mum said chirpily as she folded some clothes. “How was your night in the pub?” she enquired.

“Yeah, not too bad I guess. Bit quiet compared to Uni through the week, but a good night” I responded.

My thoughts were still on the noise I had heard the night before, the image of her playing with herself still sharp in my mind.

“I’m going into the village for a few bits and pieces shortly. Anything you want from the shops?” Mum asked.

“Nah, I’m fine Mum. Thanks for asking though” I offered her.

Mum continued clearing up and folding clothes as I poured some breakfast cereal into a bowl, watching her intently as I felt myself stiffening.

About ten minutes later, Mum left the house and made her way in the car up the lane. I was nibbling away at some toast and drinking coffee, as my thoughts turned once again to the night before. Knowing Mum would be gone for an hour or so, I cleared up and made my way back upstairs still in my xxx robe. I was curious to find out if my find from last night had any substance.

Entering Mums room, I paused and looked around momentarily, thinking of my strategy of where best to look, what’s obvious, what’s not type of thing. Instantly I homed in on the bedside cabinet. I questioned myself, the thought of what I was doing was wrong, but curiosity got the better of me. Opening the top drawer revealed a pen, some writing paper, a few pamphlets, nothing of interest. I began to feel guilty about rummaging through my Mums personal stuff, but that guilt soon disappeared when the contents of the second drawer revealed themselves to me.

Underneath a large notepad and some novels, I discovered a few books of erotic literature and at the back of the drawer a small tube of lubricant and a vibrator It was some six/seven inches in length with a black base and pale green shaft. I was shocked and a little aroused as I cautiously reached for it, taking it from its hiding place. I ran my gaze over it, a few switches at the base indicated Lo-Med-Hi settings. I was amazed at the thought of my Mum using it, slipping it in and out of her swollen pussy as she pleasured herself. Holding it up to my nose, I could even smell the delicate waft of her pussy juice, still fragrant from its shaft. I grew hard rather quickly, her scent sending shockwaves down my body.

I flicked the switch, bringing the beast to life, pretty surprised how strong the power was, even on the medium setting. I still couldn’t believe Mum would use something like this, after all she was my mother, not some sexed up jezebel, but I saw her in a whole different light now. Turning my attention to the books, one was a collection of short stories, the other a guide to female orgasm. I kneeled down, as I flicked through their pages, reading some of the extracts of a very sexually graphic book. This was amazing stuff Before I knew it, I had been sitting there 45 minutes, studying the books intensely, while I stroked my cock back and forth, from time to time. I would have liked to have had more time to mull them over, but Mum could be home any minute now and I didn’t want to get caught like this, I decided.

Carefully putting everything back in its place, I left her bedroom and went straight for a cold shower. My head was spinning with really dirty thoughts about my Mum as the cold water sprayed over my body, easing my eagerness to cum slightly.

It was approaching midday before Mum returned from the village. I was already outside, feeding the livestock in the sheds when she pulled up in the car. I felt awkward as she waved and smiled at me across the yard, before disappearing into the house. I told myself to calm down and be rational, it was no big deal. Trying to convince myself was near impossible though.

The day wore on, as the wind and rain returned once again, bringing darkness all around before 4.30 in the afternoon. Television and radio reports were all warning of possible storm damage in the area, as the winds began to rise to gale force outside the house. Mum and I sat in the kitchen for dinner as usual, the conversation waning unlike normal, as I fought with my internal thoughts and feelings.

“J, you okay? You seem a little quiet today, not your usual self” Mum asked as we sat across the table.

“I’m okay. Just a little tired…maybe I’m taking the flu or something” I lied to her.

“Well, don’t be overdoing it then. You’ve spent most of the day outside working at things, Joe can look after all that” Mum offered, almost apologetically.

“I don’t mind Mum, really I don’t” I said, as Mum softly sighed back at me, her chin resting on her hands.

After dinner, we both went to the living room, Mum switching on the telly as I put more logs on the fire.

It was around 7.30pm when the lights flickered once or twice, the gusts blowing at the front of the house with purpose. The power went off suddenly ten minutes later, the room now only lit from the burning fire as the telly and lights died around us. A few minutes and some searching later, we produced an old antique oil burner and some candles. It wasn’t unusual for this to happen at this time of year, especially in this part of the world, hence the need for easily found candles and matches.

Bored to tears after 20 minutes or so, with no form of entertainment, I produced a bottle of old scotch that Mum had been keeping and proceeded to pour one and drink glass after glass of the warming liquid. Mum, never one to feel left out, wasn’t keen on spirits so she opted for some red wine and before we knew it, a few hours had passed as we chatted and attempted old board games by candlelight. Mum didn’t usually drink very often, maybe a glass or two of wine at the weekends, but steadily we both got drunker as the evening went on.

Eventually finding ourselves on the floor, the sofa to our backs, we found a family album of photographs to look at. With more scotch and the heat from the fireside, I had begun to feel less edgy and my guard was let down once again as I relaxed. I began to feel less guilty about earlier that day, as we laughed together at some of the old fashions in the photos.

“Look at me in that outfit It looks dreadful…” Mum exclaimed as she saw herself aged 21 posing somewhere on holiday.

“Ahhh Mum…it’s not that bad, I’ve seen worse outfits at Uni” I laughed, as I studied her form in the photograph.

Very slim, and beautiful in the picture, she was wearing a little orange flowery dress, the skirt short and her legs tanned from the holiday sun. Her hair, a little shorter then, sat in tight at her neck and shoulders as she smiled cheekily at the camera.

“I wish I had the body now that I had then” Mum reflected. ”Now I’m just an older woman, less looks, more droops” she said, stunning me with her comment.

She jokingly struck a few poses, laughing at her own silliness as I watched her intently.

“I think you look really good now…I mean really, really good…for a 42 year old. What man wouldn’t want a body like yours to hold against him…I mean….” I blurted out without thinking.

Everything seemed to pause in the moment, as I drunkenly realised what I had just said. Mum seemed to be looking back at me for an eternity, as my insides where cart-wheeling around with panic.

“Awwww….that’s so sswweeet… J. I’m glad someone still appreciates me…you’re the only man in my life…for me…awwww” Mum slurred slightly, as she smiled back at me reassuringly.

I was beginning to stiffen in my jeans as Mum moved closer to me, rubbing my cheek gently with her hand. Silence filled the room and the candles flickered, as the rain and wind beat heavily at the windows. Momentarily, we stared longingly into each others eyes, flames of passion erupting in my underwear, as Mum lent forward and planted a little kiss on my cheek.

“My little J doll…you know…you know I love you baby…you’re my special man” Mum said, as I considered what was happening, almost a look of expectation on her face.

My head was swimming. I wanted to move forward and kiss her in response, feel her body draw into mine, as I shifted towards her. Watching her mouth, her bottom lip was trembling slightly as I approached her.

“Well….its time for me to go to bed…I’m pretty tired…” Mum yawned, as I jumped back in embarrassment. She swiftly pulled herself up from her sitting position, almost too fast and falling over in the process.

“Whoa…not good…” Mum laughed, as she balanced herself again. “J you…you are a bad influence on your poor mother…naughty J” she jokingly pointed at me, her head dizzy from the bottle and a half of wine she had just drunk.

I couldn’t believe what I had nearly just done, and Mum knew it I had felt the spark between us when she had kissed my cheek. Mum had to have felt it as well.

The clock chimed for 1am, and Mum started to clear up around me. The wind blew ferociously outside as the rain beat at the windows. Disappointed with myself for what I had almost considered, I killed the dying embers on the fire, as Mum went back and forth from the kitchen clearing up glasses and stuff. Trying to look busy myself, Mum eventually said her goodnights and went upstairs to bed, taking the lantern with her. I proceeded to extinguish the various candles, my thoughts all messed up.

A few minutes later, making my way upstairs and without much light to guide me, I made it to the sanctuary of my own room, closing the door behind me sharply. I took several deep breaths, as my head swam round and round from the alcohol and the events and revelations of the last 24 hours. How could I face Mum again after nearly kissing her? Would this go unspoken of when we would eventually meet again in the morning? So many questions ran through my thoughts, it was becoming unbearable to think. I undressed quickly, discarding my clothes on the floor. Feeling my way around in the darkness, I fell into bed in a frazzled heap.

The wind and hard sleet rain blew against my window, as my head continually raced at 100mph. The more the storm ravaged outside, the more I became angered at myself for what I was thinking. I tossed and turned, unable to even consider falling asleep.

Time passed as I listened to the storm raging outside and inside my head. Little did I know that Mum was having the same trouble sleeping, only a room away from me. Ten, maybe twenty minutes or so had passed when I stirred from a very dozy sleep, hearing something rattle in my room. Writing it off as a noise from the weather outside, I suddenly heard it again. It was a light knock at my bedroom door

“Hello…?” I stuttered, as the room slowly filled with light when the door opened.

Adjusting my eyes, Mum stood in her nightshirt, carrying the lantern as she stepped into the room.

“J…I’m so sorry J. Were you asleep?” Mum asked almost apologetically.

“Not really…what’s wrong Mum? Has something happened?” I enquired of her.

Clutching the nightshirt to her chest, she walked over to the bed.

“I can’t sleep J. You know how this weather makes me frightened…could you maybe sleep in my room tonight? I…I just hate being alone when it’s so stormy…” she said in reply.

My thoughts were conflicting on what to do. Mum stood helpless and vulnerable as I considered my actions. Running my eyes over her, her nipples poked through the material of her nightgown, attracting my gaze, as she shivered slightly. Looking away from her in embarrassment and a little aroused as well, I instantly thought of the right thing to do.

“Okay Mum. Why don’t you go back to bed, I’ll be in, in a second or two” I comforted her.

With that, she turned smiling in gratitude, making her way out the door, once again leaving me in darkness. I reached to the floor, luckily picking up my t-shirt first go. Pulling it on me, I stumbled towards my door, guiding myself by the narrow pockets of light at the edges of her partly open bedroom door in the hall. I knocked gently on her door, as I nervously peeked in.

“Come on in J, its safe” Mum beckoned from her bed.

I sheepishly walked in closing the door behind me. Mum pulled back the covers as I slipped between the sheets.

“Thanks J. I know this must be embarrassing for you…but it’ll be our little secret” Mum giggled, still clearly a bit tipsy.

“Night Mum” I whispered, as I turned away from her in the bed, turning red with embarrassment.

“Night my J” Mum replied, before turning off the lantern at her bedside.

I lay there, frozen solid. Not wanting to come into contact with Mum in any way, I perched away from her on my edge of the bed. I was torn in two as I thought of the woman lying beside me half naked. My own mother, only mere inches away as my insides stirred again. Focusing on anything but her, I eventually dozed off into a light slumber as the wind and rain continued unabated outside.

I awoke, seemingly only moments later, finding myself in a very compromising situation. Now lying almost centrally in the bed facing inward, Mum had her back to me, her body spooning into mine I could feel her legs in front of mine and her lower back just in front of my stomach. My cock was already semi-hard in my shorts, pushing against the material with purpose. I knew I was merely inches away from her with my hardening tool, so I cautiously slipped back a little in the bed.

I couldn’t believe how aroused I was. My own mother of all people and here I was getting stiff at the thought of her beside me, slumbering peacefully. I was well horny and didn’t really see the harm in what I was thinking of doing. Who would ever know? It wasn’t as if I was going to fuck her or anything like that, just nudge into her, an innocent rub. She would never know. I was just going to see how it would feel, nothing bad.

I moved slowly and cautiously as I slid back in behind her body again, feeling her back against my chest as I moved my legs behind hers. My dick was throbbing through the front of my shorts and occasionally would brush over her, as I moved ever closer.

Pausing, I released my cock from the front of my shorts. My mother stirred slightly, forcing me to stop what I was doing. She pressed into me, murmuring something incoherent in her sleep.

Her whole body now pushed against me as I raised my hands again away from my groin in panic. I could feel my cock now probing between her legs, against my wishes, harder then ever. I groaned very slightly as my cock moved between her inner thighs, her legs unknowingly masturbating me slowly, as I thrust myself forward into her.

“Mmmm…ugghhhhhh…” Mum moaned, as I suddenly realised she was maybe not fully asleep.

Panicking, I jumped back in surprise at my mother’s voice.

“J…J? What are you doing?” Mum gasped as she awoke and sat upright in bed.

I fumbled to get my cock back into my shorts again, as I vaguely saw her in the blackness reaching for the lantern at her bedside. Caught well and truly, how would I ever explain myself? Maybe pretend I was dreaming or having a nightmare? I heard the strike of the match as the room was filled with an eerie, shadowy light from the lantern. Not knowing what to do or say, I feigned sleep as she got out of the bed.

“J…J …I know you’re not asleep…look at me J.” she whispered, as I heard her moving around the bottom of the bed, coming up to my side.

I fought with myself, my thoughts racing at a hundred miles an hour as I slowly and reluctantly opened my eyes, to look upon my mother standing before me.

She stood over me now, on my side of the bed, smiling down at me fondly.

She leaned forward, her hand brushed my cheek delicately, as I waited what seemed like a lifetime, to hear her speak. But no words came from her lips…

I suddenly looked at her amazed and in awe, as she slowly started to unbutton the front of her nightshirt, her eyes fixed on mine. All I could hear was the faint hiss of gas from the lantern and the wind outside, as she undid the buttons, her nightshirt falling open slightly. I swallowed hard as I saw she was wearing nothing underneath but her knickers, dark black and shiny against her skin. My dick started to rise beneath the duvet again. Her boobs jiggled forward and out slightly, as she bent towards me, planting a kiss on my cheek.

“Mum…I…I…what…” I barely gasped, before she put her finger over my lips.

“Ssshhh…James, don’t be scared…Its okay…I know what you want…its alright baby” Mum trailed off in a whisper.

She looked at me lovingly, as she climbed over on top of me on the bed, my heart racing like it was going to explode. Pulling down the covers I was clinging to, she calmly reached down, taking hold of my t-shirt at the bottom and pulled it up over my head and shoulders, discarding it to the floor beside her. I lay there, unable to speak or move at the sight before me

I felt my cock stiffen swiftly as mum dropped the nightshirt off her shoulders, agonisingly revealing inch by inch, her big swollen breasts. I was fixated on them for what seemed an eternity. She had the most beautiful tits I had ever seen, round and full with her pink nipples perking outwards.

She took my hands in hers and guided them onto her breasts, my palms rubbing over her hard, darkening nipples. Still in a state of shock and surprise, I found myself exploring her tits, taking them in my hand and kneading them gently like dough. Mum purred with pleasure as I softly tweaked each of her erect, sensitive nipples, my fingers circling her areola delicately, making her gasp a little.

“Mmmmm…that’s nice, do you like my boobs?” Mum asked, her hands rubbing over mine.

I merely nodded in shock, unable to speak. Mum grinned wickedly back at me.

My balls tingled and my cock was at full mast as I sat up in the bed. I moved forward to Mum, cupping her jugs with my hands and running my tongue back and forth over them. I honestly never believed I could be so turned on in my life. Here I was sucking her tits, lifting them to my salivating mouth again like a child My thoughts were quickly turning to her pussy below me and the delights it would offer.

Totally caught up in the moment and not considering the consequences of what we were doing, Mum moved back slightly pushing me back onto the bed. Leaning forward to me, her fingers ran up and down the length of my chest as I lay back once more, each time her fingertips coming closer to the tops of my shorts. My cock was jumping with anticipation, as she slowly pulled forward and down at my shorts, my cock springing into her view above me.

Mum gazed at my dick, its shaft and throbbing purple tip exposed to her stare, as she smiled in my direction again.

Pulling the shorts down my legs along with the duvet, I lifted my legs into the air, as she slid them off me completely. Momentarily, I thought about what was happening between us and the implications, but it quickly disappeared along with my shorts somewhere on the floor. Mum stood up and hovered over me on the bed and for the first time, I saw her almost naked in the dim, shimmering light of the room.

My jaw literally hit the floor, at the sight of her pulling down her panties at the sides, revealing her bush as she slid them slowly down her thighs. Stepping out of her knickers, I saw her hairy pussy for the first time and her big swinging breasts moving forward over me as she bent over slightly.

Her face was flushed slightly, as her skin was covered in goose-bumps, sending shivers through my body at the sight before me. Our bodies touched as she fell onto me, my cock jerking in anticipation. Mum writhed on top of me, my cock crushed against her belly, as she slowly teased me.

I could feel myself about to explode as Mum stopped, falling over onto her side of the bed again. She leant over the bed to her drawer, exposing her ass to my stare, her buttocks ripe and plump as her pussy lips peeked out at me invitingly from between her legs. What a view I wanted to stick my stiffness in her, there and then, as she fumbled around.

It dawned on me that she was in the same drawer as I had been earlier that day, making me panic a bit. Why am I panicking I thought? I’m lying naked with her and she wants me to share this intimate moment with her It wasn’t as if she knew what I was doing earlier on that morning.

She turned back to me once again, the tube of lubricant in her hand. After flipping the top and squeezing some from the tube she rubbed the clear gel into her hands, as she turned back to me. Her hands disappeared between her legs as she slowly rubbed herself, her eyes closed as I looked on intently. She was moaning slightly as she caressed herself before me, opening her eyes to look at me while she did so.

Turning to face her, she took my hand and moved it down her stomach, as I felt my fingers glide through her hairy patch and eventually touch the top of her already moist pussy. Her legs spread open to my touch, exposing her secrets fully to me. Circling myself around slightly, for a better view, I lay beside her, looking down at her hairy damp pussy. I used my fingers to run the length of her gash, delicately rubbing her clitoris with my thumb, making her squeeze her legs around my hand as she moaned softly in response. My fingers probed greedily at her gash as I slowly inserted my index finger between her swollen lips, pushing it further inside her, making her gasp.

Mum moaned with pleasure as I fingered her juicy twat. I still couldn’t believe what I was doing to her. Her breathing was becoming more rapid as I inserted another finger into her slippery passage. She grabbed hold of my wrist, slowing down my fingering action, as she guided me a little more slowly. Her tits wobbled on her chest as she neared climax, her legs almost squeezing my fingers deeper into her body.

“Oh God James…oh God…hold me” Mum cried with delight as the first waves of orgasm came over her body.

I lay beside her, watching her every movement, as the juices spilled out of her over my hand. Pulling her close, her back arched and her entire body flushed and shuddered at my touch as she eventually became still and motionless on the bed, panting like a dog.

“James…James…” Mum gasped breathlessly, “…that was wonderful my darling…that felt so good…”

She smiled at me, her face bright red, as I gently rubbed her swollen boobs and nipples. Taking some time to recover, Mum reached over to her bedside cabinet, taking the tube of lube in her hand again and released a few more spurts of the gel onto her hands. My cock was jerking below me in anticipation as she moved towards it for the first time. Rubbing the gel into her palms, she took hold of my shaft with both hands slipping them down my dick with ease.

I was in ecstasy, having my cock played with by my own mother Mums fingers expertly rolled around my swollen purple tip, as she slowly jerked me off, pausing only to lick her lips, as she slid her fingers up and down my rock, hard penis. Using her other hand, she cupped my balls, kneading them between her fingers as she continued masturbating me. She used longer, slippery strokes as I started to feel my balls heaving, causing me to groan all the more.

“Is that nice? Do you like that?” she asked of me, as I squirmed in pleasure.

“Uh, huh…..” I nodded back in sheer appreciation of her hand-job.

The sight of her lying beside me, jerking me off, was almost too much to bear as I felt my own juices rising.

“James, don’t look on me as your mother, I’m your older lover, Caroline, and I want to make love to you…but you have to promise me one thing…” Mum whispered in my ear softly, as she still played with my cock. She turned and looked deeply into my eyes for a response, her hair falling over her face.

“What…what is it Mum?” I barely muttered, as she continued to stoke me up.

“I don’t want you to cum inside me…Is that okay my baby?” she asked, stopping her hand-job prematurely.

“Sure Mum. I won’t…I promise you…” I responded, eager to get back to what we were doing before. She smiled deeply into my eyes.

My arms wrapped around her, and I responded by pulling myself upward, toward her and kissing her deeply on the mouth. My cock stood brushing against her stomach with purpose as I pulled her tighter into my body. My hands ran down her back and over the top of her buttocks as she squatted over my tool, my dick moving between her thighs. Pushing me back onto the bed, Mums hands ran over my chest as she kissed and nibbled at my own hard nipples, sending me into orbit. We both now shared little moans of delight and arousal, as she explored me passionately.

My throbbing probed between her legs, searching for its salvation, as she teased me back and forth, rubbing her body against mine. My hands held her buttocks tightly as I tried to guide her onto my cock. Mum sat up as she realised my intentions, her beautiful tits swinging like pendulums in front of me. Her hand reached below her legs, finding my hardness awaiting her, as she guided my throbbing cock tip to her inviting gash.

This was it. This was something I had only ever fantasised about. Momentarily I was unsure of what was about to happen, the consequences, the outcome. We shared a look, almost asking for forgiveness from one another, as I felt my tip probing the entrance to her passage. I was buzzing all over, as the anticipation became unbearable.

“This is for you James…the ultimate gift of love a mother can give her only son…” Mum trailed off, as she gently guided my dick inside of her.

Mums eyes rolled back in her head, as she slowly impaled herself down on my cock, and then rose again on her knee’s as she squatted over me. My shaft was hard like never before, as she slowly built up a rhythm, falling and rising above me.

“Mmmmm…mmmm…ughhh…” Mum cried, as she gradually became quicker with her thrusts downwards onto me.

Her boobs bounced and jumped with the motions of her body as she started to almost slam down on my cock. I lay there panting and moaning, as Mum became wilder in her actions, her fingernails now trailing over my chest, leaving the skin slightly broken in her wake.

Sweat broke on my brow, as I fondled her soft, full breasts, trying to rise myself into her pussy. I pushed, as she continued pounding her gash onto me.

With the storm beating outside still, Mum squelched on top of me each time she took me fully now, her soaking pussy and body juddering into me. I felt like my dick was wrapped in velvet, stretching and surrounding it, as she slowly eased off her pace, leaving longer gaps between fucking me silly.

Slowing off a little, she grinded herself fully onto me, playing with me, then plunging my cock deeper into her than before as she rose and fell again. My balls tingled, as she gasped manically above me, her head flinging back, running her hands through her hair like a woman possessed.

We paused to catch our breath, panting at one another, as I smiled back at Mum. She fell forward onto me, her tits squashing against my chest, as I felt my cock spring free of her warm wet pussy. As she flicked her hair behind her ear, I eagerly thrust forward, trying to find her soft, inviting lips again.

My cock probed around her asshole, as she moved slightly on me, my throbbing helmet brushing over her cunt, finally slipping in to her once again. As Mum lay on top of me, I took control and started to drive strongly into her love-hole, as I held her buttocks firmly. I was enjoying the little game of “hide and seek” before but this was what I wanted.

Mum grunted in my ear, as I pushed myself into her, again and again, her deep breathing turning me on all the more. Her stomach and boobs pressed into me, as she pushed herself up slightly, meeting my thrusts with her own. I banged into her all the harder, as she flushed once again, the blood rushing to her tits, seemingly causing them to swell even more. Keeping one hand on her waist, I used the other to massage her tits, grabbing and fiddling with her taut nipples.

“Uuuggghhhh…ohhhhh…agghhhhh…ohhhhh…” Mum groaned, each time I pushed slower and deeper into her now. I watched her bite her bottom lip as she began to shake and whimper.

Her body stretched above me, arcing away from me as she came to climax. She screeched and wailed softly, as she made one last attempt to reverse onto me. My cock trembled as it disappeared into her gushing cunt, taking me close to cumming myself. Mum rose back on me again, her rhythm dying while her body trembled and shook on top of mine. She nibbled at my earlobe as she kept me inside her, squeezing her thighs tightly, still bucking gently.

“Uugghhh, I’m gonna cum…Mum…I’m ready to cum...” I barely gasped as I felt the pressure rising from my balls, sending shockwaves through my shaft.

Mum was still in the dying moments of orgasm, as she let my cock shoot free of her pussy, standing tall and proud as it jerked of its own accord in front of her. Reaching down, she took my dick in her hand and slowly tugged at it, rubbing it into a frenzied finish.

“Yeah Mum…harder…harder….oohhhh…Jesus…” I cried out aloud, as I experienced the first bursts of pleasure rising from inside my dick.

My cock erupted beneath me, Mum stretching my foreskin back and forth very, very firmly. I shot cum into the air and onto my belly, as I clenched the bedclothes at my side, my entire body stiffening as I continued to shoot my load. Mum pulled back and forth on my cock, milking me like a lamb as the cum-juice eventually stopped oozing. As I lay there panting, Mum fell onto me, our bodies drenched in sweat and cum. She planted a tiny kiss on my lips, as my balls drained their last drop of cum. We lay together in silence, catching our breath, as Mum pulled the bed clothes back over our naked bodies.

“That was beautiful James. I’m so happy…you’re my son…and I love you. I love you more than you will ever know…” Mum whispered to me.

“I love you too…and I don’t just mean…you know…love…but I really, really love you Mum…I mean…Caroline. I want to be with you forever…like this…” I stammered, revealing my post orgasm, undying love for her.

She smiled sweetly at me, knowingly.

“We’ll talk about this in the morning…right now its time for some sleep. Don’t you think young man?” Mum said, before turning to the lantern, and shutting off the oil.

I planted one final kiss on her lips, as the room fell into darkness once again. Mum pulled herself tightly into me. Our bodies, now feeling the cold, huddled together for warmth under the covers. I was ecstatic, my head buzzing from what had just happened, as Mum purred beside me. I couldn’t even think of what lay ahead tomorrow, I was too tired and happy to care I had a heavenly woman by my side.

I had never, ever felt anything like this in my life before. New feelings, new emotions, new lust, filled my head. Tired and drained beyond belief, I cuddled her beside me. As my eyes closed and I fell into warm, comfortable sleep, I heard the storm rage on outside...
< >

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